Parents and Carers
Apex Specialist Education is an independent specialist school now accepting referrals/consults to our Rochdale site for September 2023. Places are filling fast, so we are welcoming referrers to submit requests through our online referral system. Alternatively you can contact us directly via: or 07915 269 720.
Pastoral Support
Apex Specialist Education, is committed to officering exceptional levels of pastoral support. During admission our team will identify any areas of support to ensure your child has the best chance to succeed whilst placed in our provision.
Throughout your child’s placement, you will receive constant communication from our team; offering support, feedback, advice and guidance. We ensure that Apex provides a means of eradicating barriers to progress in school and in the community, and actively work with parents, carers, and external agencies to improve the quality of life for our pupils.
Pupils’ SEND are at the forefront of our practice. We tailor our curriculum, environment, policies, and practices to provide the best chance for pupils with SEMH needs to flourish. All pupils referred to Apex Specialist Education, will undergo comprehensive assessments to provide a ‘Positive Behaviour Support Plan’. Regardless of whether the pupil has an EHCP, our PBS plans provide a passport for your child’s educational needs to be met; whether transitioning back into mainstream, other alternative provider, or post 16 setting.
For those children with an EHCP; Apex Specialist Education will support commissioning partners in fulfilling all statutory requirements. Our innovative iTAC approach will ensure there is sufficient evidence to compliment progress towards EHCP outcomes.
Safeguarding provides the foundation in which our provision is built from. Our commitment to child-protection and safeguarding goes beyond legislative requirements. We have robust procedures in place to ensure all pupils have a personal risk assessment, which is reviewed in real time. These complete our whole school risk assessments, to ensure children remain safe at all times.
Our immediate response philosophy ensures that all children are listened too, and any concerns are shared efficiently. All of our staff undergo strict safer recruitment procedures, followed by substantial trancing across all areas of safeguarding and child protection.
Contact us today to find out more about the specialist alternative education programmes we offer.
© 2024 Apex Specialist Education