Apex Specialist Education Homepage
Welcome to our website which we hope will portray what makes Apex Specialist Education such an excellent educational establishment.
Apex Specialist Education is a new educational body founded by Matthew McCann and Daniel McCann, in 2024. Both founders were long-serving Headteachers within alternative provision, and specialist education; our founders are dedicated and passionate in providing high quality, accessible education to children who struggle to engage in mainstream education.
Apex Specialist Education was started out of a belief that all children deserve equal opportunities to succeed within education; however, we recognise that not all children are able to engage in mainstream schooling. We believe that through the right support and inspiration, all children can flourish and succeed.
Our whole organisation is governed by the standards of ‘The Apex Way’.
‘The Apex Way’ is an all-encompassing ethos which is structured across four pillars:
Support, Inspire, Flourish, and Succeed.
From September 2024, we began admitting pupils to our first independent special school, ‘Healey Learning Centre’. We are passionate in ensuring Healey Learning Centre promotes ‘The Apex Way’, and offers high quality, inclusive, specialist education to ensure every pupil can flourish and succeed. Please explore our site for any pertinent info, follow our social media channels, or get in touch for more information.