Careers Overview

Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) is a programme of activities, interventions and support delivered in school.  The programme aims to equip students with the confidence and knowledge to move on successfully after year 11.  To ensure excellence we map provision to the 8 Gatsby Benchmarks, these are a framework of guidelines that all schools are encouraged to work within.  We also adhere to the Baker Clause, the clause states that schools must allow colleges and training providers access to all students in years 7-11 to ensure that they are aware of all academic and vocational routes available to them. For more information please review our Careers policy found below.

Apex Specialist Education is committed to providing a planned CEIAG programme for all students in years 7-11.  The programme includes individual career guidance interviews, group and whole school activities and outside interventions and is differentiated and personalised to ensure activities are appropriate to students’ stages of career learning, planning and development.

CEIAG programmes are recognised to have a significant contribution in preparing young people for the opportunities, responsibilities and life experiences post high school.  We therefore strive to conform to the current “best practices” in CEIAG as laid out in Government directives and continuously look to review and improve provision in school.

Choosing which direction to take after leaving school is a big decision.

That’s why Apex Specialist Education is committed to having the highest aspirations for our students when they take their next steps out of our school. All students are entitled to robust yearly careers guidance with an external and impartial careers advisor; we commission Positive Steps to facilitate this service. This is complimented with a commitment to equip students with a broad range of transferable skills that will prepare them for the changing world of work. We ensure our careers programme is inclusive of our young people’s needs, whilst supporting them to be as independent as possible. Students access a wealth of supplementary personal development experiences alongside trips to employers and encounters with further education which supports ready for work skills and transitions. We continue to emphasise learning experiences outside the classroom and in our local community.  

To supplement our careers provision, we promote independent living skills throughout our curriculum, extracurricular activities and personalised objectives for each student through review meetings and transition planning. As a school we will utilise age-appropriate preparation for adulthood outcomes which incorporate employment, community inclusion, independent living and health which aim to be achievable but still aspirational for our students. 

Sources of Support

For support after Year 11 and up to the age of 19 please contact Positive Steps
0800 195 8528
0161 621 9290

National Career Service
0800 100 900